We Educate - Engage -Advocate - Support - With respect to both genders (Girls and Boys) in School : Despite the critical importance of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) education, many schools struggle to provide comprehensive, age-appropriate, and unbiased instruction due to societal taboos and a lack of adequately trained teachers. This gap leaves adolescents vulnerable to negative outcomes, including higher rates of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), unintended pregnancies, sexual harassment, school dropouts, and early marriage, especially among girls.
To address these challenges, Grown to Help (GTH) has developed an in-school mentorship program that enhances SRHR education, promotes gender equality, and prevents Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in a safe and supportive environment. The program targets adolescents in public schools by establishing and strengthening school health clubs, which serve as platforms for open discussions on critical topics such as sexual consent, harassment prevention, and gender equality. By fostering these dialogues, the initiative challenges harmful social norms and cultivates positive attitudes, empowering both boys and girls to make informed decisions about their health and well-being.
This project aims to close essential gaps in SRHR education by equipping students with comprehensive, age-appropriate knowledge and practical skills. It seeks to reduce the prevalence of STIs, unintended pregnancies, and other adverse outcomes while empowering students to recognize, prevent, and address sexual harassment and GBV. Through this work, the program actively promotes gender equality, fostering a safer and more inclusive school environment for all.