• gth@growntohelp.org
  • +250 791 677 236


Founded in 2021 by an avid woman called Mugabekazi Denyse who envisions a world of justice and equal opportunities, Grown to Help (GTH) is an independent, non-governmental, non-profit organization based in Kigali, registered and operating in accordance with the Rwandan law. It carries its activities in various sectors including education, women economic empowerment, sanitation and hygiene, and sexual reproductive health and rights. 


When I was a little girl, I had a big dream that when I grow up, I will help children from low-income families. 

Many families in my neighborhood live in precarious conditions, the care is assured by women abandoned by their spouses for various reasons (adultery, alcohol, drugs, irresponsibility, etc.) or widows. most of them are large families with limited finances to meet all their families' needs, and children are the ones to suffer the consequences (rape, teenage pregnancies, abortions often followed by serious physical and emotional trauma, school dropout, prostitution, drug consumption, and so on.) 

Certainly, children's education is the main vector of their human and intellectual Developpement, and promises a better future for them, their families, and their societies. Yet family poverty is obviously the main reason why children miss school, and dropout. and without education there is no future for them. 

My personal mission statement is to promote quality education for all, inclusion and collaboration to create thriving and healthy communities. 


I was born in the Gisagara district, am married and have three beautiful daughters. At the age of 15, I observed the difficulties faced by some families, which in most cases prevent their children from continuing their studies and subsequently have a negative impact on their lives. Being an orphan at the time, my father died when I was 10. I was overly concerned about orphans and told myself that when I grow up, I will find ways to in place a center to care for orphans. 

Afterwards, a new policy of raising children in families was adopted and my idea was no longer valid until I met Denyse in 2019, who was my classmate at the time, and whom we had almost the same idea of helping vulnerable children and started the journey since then. We planned to start a local NGO that would look after children from low-income families, supporting them in their education and at the same time helping their respective families overcome extreme poverty. 

For me, Grown to Help initiative is a dream come true.


Vision - Mission - Values

Our Vision

We envision a community where low-income families have an improved well-being, and sustainable economic livelihoods; while their children have acquired skills that make them competitive in the labor market.

Our Mission

We aim to transform the lives of children from low-income families, and help their parents develop Self - reliance, through education and economic empowerment programs.

Core Values

Inclusiveness - Integrity
Empowerment - Equity
Commitment - Courage


Values are important because they anchor us and keep us stable when things shift and change. Values shape our mission and vision, what we do and the relationship with our beneficiaries. They are the foundation of everything we do at GROWN TO HELP(GTH).


GTH respects and values people especially its members and beneficiaries for who they are, regardless of their believes, gender, color, disability, race, age, social-economic categories, background, etc. GTH believes that diversity will increase the quality of its programs and impact in the society in which it operates. This will encourage a creative environment, being more creative, diligent and hard working towards poverty eradication, for a better future of the children from vulnerable families.


GTH believes that having defined strong ethical and moral principles is an important attribute to promote its culture, for mutual support and respect. GTH believes that good leadership will be fundamental in gaining the trust from beneficiaries, government, partners, and donors. Living with integrity requires doing what is right even when it is difficult or will not be acknowledged by others.


Feeling empowered is a fundamental human need, it elevates our desire of making change in the society where we live and the world around us, it enables us to make decisions and taking actions to overcome life’s challenges, fighting for our rights. GTH wants to see its beneficiary families graduating from poverty, and becoming financially stable and their children being competitive at the labor market. This will be a result of supporting children for their education and empowering their families towards self-reliance.


Equitable empowerment and treatment of our beneficiaries is one of the strategies to foster the well-being and flexibility of both the GTH and its beneficiaries, with the aim of increasing sincerity, acceptance, and innovation.


Our value of commitment is one that defines our determination towards achieving our goal of advocating, supporting, and helping vulnerable families. To build a strong and mutual relationship between us and our beneficiaries, we must understand and recognize that there must be a commitment that defines our loyalty, love, patience, and persistence in everything we do.


Our value of courage is the root of everything we do at GTH. We struggle to help our beneficiaries understand who they are, their rights and what they can do; identifying their needs, accepting their strengths and limitations, and recognizing the amazing things they can bring to, themselves, their families, the society, and the country in general.

Help Us Help Vulnerable Families